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Bake to the cutting board..Breadpaloozza 2020!

 After a long hiatus I am trying to get back to the occasional cooking blog; going to try for once or twice a month and see if I can make it happen. The last three years had a lot of things going on, mostly good some not so good. In 2017 I took some classes in hat making(millinery). In 2018 I started a small millinery business called Cloche Call Designs, not as a full time job but just to create fun hats for myself and on a part time basis. It has done well and I have had some really fun times creating hats for friends and strangers I even was a vendor n two years in a row at a convention for fans of the Australian TV show Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I also made plans to travel to the UK for London Hat week in the spring of 2020 and then to go to Paris for few days after. I was going to take a bunch of courses for hat making and was really excited about my first international trip in over 20 years. Then two things happen to throw those plans out the window. Just before Thanksgi

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